Poster presentation guidelines 

Please prepare your poster in portrait format DIN A0 (85 x 119 cm​). All posters will be up for the whole duration of the conference (i.e. from Tuesday to Thursday). Please mount your poster according to your number (given in the poster list) before the first poster session and remove it after the last one. Mounting material will be provided at your poster wall. Friedrich and Roland from the organization team will be there to assist you.

We will have guided poster tours during all poster sessions. These tours will be moderated by a chair and will start at the poster listed first in the poster list for each session. However, presenting authors should be present at their poster for the duration of the poster session. During the tour, each presenting author will have two minutes to give an overview of his contribution, followed by one minute of discussion. All attendees are encouraged to interact with the presenter and the chair. 

The list of posters including the sessions is available here: List of Posters​​

Oral presentation guidelines

Please prepare your presentation in Microsoft Power Point or PDF format. Presentations should be uploaded and checked before the session at the registration desk. Alternatively, you may use your own laptop for the presentation.

Time slots for all oral presentations (except invited talks) is 20 minutes. Please make sure you finish your presentation after 16 minutes in order to allow sufficient time for discussion.

The scientific program is available here: Scientific Program